Prayer of Mixed Emotions after the Conviction of Derek Chauvin
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Prayer of Mixed Emotions after the Conviction of Derek Chauvin

Lord of Mixed Emotions, thank you for knowing. Thank you for knowing where we hurt, what we fear, what we dread, and what makes us sing. It’s a strange day, Lord, the day after many of your children sighed deep sighs of relief, and cried out to you with gratitude — thank you for being…

How can I find God?

How can I find God?

Stress warning: Content includes suicidal thoughts. What would you say if a friend with no religious affiliation asked you the simple question: How can I find God? This is the scenario posed to the young and the old, the famous and the not-famous and those of a variety of religious preferences who contribute their voices…

For We Know Not What We Do

For We Know Not What We Do

The world that surrounds us is daunting,        too many voices speak truth        and prophetic words from false prophets sow division. God cannot be both compassionate and a defense through which morality props up the unjust But the most persuasive voices        can tailor the emperor’s clothes to align with God’s will or is it man’s? So…

Outsiders help the church grow

Outsiders help the church grow

The 2015 movie Spotlight shows the painful and vital role of the outsider in exposing the systemic sex abuse perpetrated by clergy throughout Boston, and the U.S. Key outsiders, including the Jewish editor of the Boston Globe, the Armenian attorney representing survivors of abuse, and, most importantly, the survivors themselves, unlocked this horrific cover-up. One…