A Personality Mosaic: How Enneagram Connects the Pieces

A Personality Mosaic: How Enneagram Connects the Pieces

I live in a neighborhood filled with vibrant, Mexican art and murals. Some of my favorites are mosaics. I love admiring a cohesive image from afar, then drawing close and realizing how many different shades and colors are really there. From close up, it can be hard to imagine how these little shapes could possibly…

Litany of Joy

Litany of Joy

Joyfulness is one of the things I most admire in other people; perhaps one of the main marks of an authentic Christian life. I gravitate towards people who exude joy, and I aspire to do the same. Unfortunately, despite what feels like a long road of seeking to build a joyful life, the emotional ups…

‘Let the Children Come to Me,’ Except Under Capitalism

‘Let the Children Come to Me,’ Except Under Capitalism

As a little girl growing up in a small Catholic parish in Minnesota’s Twin Cities, my favorite part of weekly Sunday mass was being called forth with the other kids to participate in Sunday school: a special space, just for kids, in a world mostly made for adults. I remember well one of our favorite…

Parish Communities: Reflections of Heaven on Earth

Parish Communities: Reflections of Heaven on Earth

Heaven is uncomfortable for me to think about. Sometimes talk about heaven juxtaposes Earth as an evil, tainted place and our bodies as temptations to be subdued until the day when our souls are finally freed.  I have long preferred to accept heaven as a mystery beyond my understanding and focus instead on the call…

The Ministry of Presence is a Radical Path

The Ministry of Presence is a Radical Path

Somehow in my years of formation as a young adult Catholic preparing to “change the world,” I missed the part about the power of presence. As a student at a Catholic university, I was skilled at social analysis, advocacy and activism rooted in Catholic Social Teaching. I was busy. In an environment bent on creating…