Returning to my body and my God, all Lent long

Returning to my body and my God, all Lent long

Return to me with your whole heart, with fasting, weeping, and mourning. Rend your hearts, not your garments, and return to the LORD, your God, For he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love, and relenting in punishment. — Joel 2:12-13 As Lent began, I stood in a cathedral made of…

The mortals return, as dust and ash.

The mortals return, as dust and ash.

As dust, as mortals, we move closer to our graves each day. Lent: this season summons us to deeper holiness with an airy invitation: a breeze blending the chaos of distraction, disappointment, despair with the brightness of hope, love, faith. Repent, Repent, Repent, Repent. We are worthy, God’s children and we are sinners, confronting our…

Death Poetica

Death Poetica

Behind barbed wire In the county jail Woman recites poetry; Declares she’ll die. Bodies young, old Form lines. Summoned to penance, Knowing they’ll die. Bodies in lines Words in lines Dust and grime Ash to ash Dust to dust A friar smudges symbol into brow after brow. The texture: touch, trust. We are blackened by…

penitents and elements

penitents and elements

ash sand air wind flame land repent repent penitents and elements children of God children of earth repent repent skin spit breath bone flesh fire repent repent change convert transform trust humble mortal repent repent these bodies hold histories hopes mysteries every one weak broken all made for union communion penitents and elements children of…



 Most days, our schedules are clogged with avoidance: We’d rather ignore the inevitable smudge of human decay.   This morning though, Ash Wednesday, we step into lines and confront the truth of pain.   We allow strangers to mark us with a message of paradox.   Remember, you are dust. To dust you will return….