Lenten Contemplation: Breath and Bread

Lenten Contemplation: Breath and Bread

A Special Episode of Messy Jesus Business podcast, with Sister Julia Walsh. Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: Google Podcasts  | Email | RSS | More IN THIS EPISODE During this sacred season of Lent, we invite you to pause and contemplate God’s loving presence in the midst of the mess. As we offer our breath and our bodies to God, as we…

Waiting and changing when you really don’t know what’s coming

Waiting and changing when you really don’t know what’s coming

The day after Advent began, I sat in a circle of men in a brightly lit, windowless room inside the county jail. We were taking turns reading prayers and Scripture aloud and pausing to reflect on the messages of hope and promise. Together we mused on all we’re waiting for and how it feels to…

Christmas at Greccio: The Incarnation through the Eyes of Saint Francis

Christmas at Greccio: The Incarnation through the Eyes of Saint Francis

by Jon M. Sweeney Let’s set the scene, briefly. This took place toward the end of his life, when Francis of Assisi had already visited Bethlehem in the Holy Land, and had seen the Sultan in the Nile Delta; he had already witnessed his religious order “moving on” past his initial inspiration and leadership (in ways…

Father Greg Boyle: Staying with the God of Love
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Father Greg Boyle: Staying with the God of Love

Podcast: Play in new window | Download Episode 65 of Messy Jesus Business podcast, with Sister Julia Walsh. Subscribe: Google Podcasts | Stitcher | Email | RSS | More IN THIS EPISODE: In this episode of Messy Jesus Business podcast, Sister Julia Walsh talks with Fr. Greg Boyle, director of Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles, CA. They discuss Fr. Greg’s journey into being a Jesuit priest who…

Adult friendship and Gospel living

Adult friendship and Gospel living

The radio buzzed in the background when a friendly voice, coming through the airwaves, caught my attention. I paused, briefly, to listen before I turned off the car and rushed to my next appointment, learning that the friendly voice belonged to a children’s songwriter. She said, “This song is about making friends. It’s also a…