Kristina Ortega: Inclusion and Catholic Education

Kristina Ortega: Inclusion and Catholic Education

Episode 63 of Messy Jesus Business podcast, with Sister Julia Walsh. Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe:  Stitcher | Email | RSS | More “Prayer has to push you to do something outside yourself.” -Kristina Ortega IN THIS EPISODE For the latest episode of Messy Jesus Business podcast, Sister Julia is in conversation with Catholic educator and inclusivity advocate Kristina Ortega. Their conversation…

God make us poor and nonviolent like St. Francis

God make us poor and nonviolent like St. Francis

Happy St. Francis Day! In light of all that is making humanity hurt far and near—the evils of greed, economic inequalities, environmental destruction, endless war and gun-violence—on this ordinary and holy day, I find that my heart desires to emulate two particular aspects of St. Francis’ prophetic life from 800 years ago. I am praying…

The skin I didn’t ask for: Bemoaning my white privilege and the evil of racial violence

The skin I didn’t ask for: Bemoaning my white privilege and the evil of racial violence

I am afraid this blog post is going to be a terrible, tangled mess: sorry about that. But considering the mess this is all about, a jumble might be the best I can give. My thoughts are tangled because so much has been stirring within me since last week when I learned about the killings…